Driver 2 - Supportive Instructor & Course Interactions

Resources in this Change Idea

Evidence Base

A Psychologically-Attuned Assessment Wrapper guides students in their preparation for, and debriefing of, a key assessment like an exam, in a way that communicates potential for growth, includes suggestions for this improvement, and does not inspire identity threat. When instructors include tasks, like assessment wrappers, that have students think deeply about the strategies they previously employed and learn about and plan to try out more efficacious strategies in the future, students show greater knowledge gains across the course (e.g., Achacoso, 2004; Ambrose et al., 2010; Hattie, 2009; Lovett, 2013).



College Transition Collaborative/Equity Accelerator

Diana Habel-Rodriguez
Lecturer III, Department of Chemistry, University of New Mexico

Sushilla Knottenbelt
Senior Lecturer III, Department of Chemistry, University of New Mexico


Instructors across the SEP network used evidence-based resources in the SEP Classroom Practices Library to develop their approach to attuned assessment wrappers. The resource guides in the Classroom Practices Library assisted instructors in helping students prepare for, and debrief their performance on, assessments and exams in a way that emphasizes potential for growth. Dr. Diana Habel-Rodriguez and Dr. Sushilla Knottenbelt (University of New Mexico) invited students to use the course’s online discussion board to help one another with incorrect answers on past exams. The supports in the Classroom Practices Library help instructors like Dr. Habel-Rodriguez and Dr. Knottenbelt be successful in implementing these practices in ways that are attuned to students’ experiences. Click the link below to learn more about creating attuned assessment wrappers, review the evidence-based implementation guide, and see how Dr. Habel-Rodriguez and Dr. Knottenbelt adapted this practice for their classroom context.