GTA Toolkit - Evidence-Based Practices
This training model revolves around several teaching practices informed by social-psychology research and which have been demonstrated to have positive impact on student experience and outcomes. They have been specifically designed to be within the realm of GTA influence and in the context of GTA positionality to students
Essential Practices
Establishing Expectations: A Growth Mindset Approach
Approaches for communicating about academic standards and course expectations in a way that promotes student engagement, learning, and academic success; most effective when implemented during the first week of classes; revisit principles throughout the term.
Creating a Wise Feedback Framing Statement
Guidance on delivering critical feedback in a way that engenders trust, increases academic engagement, and helps close academic outcome gaps; most effective when implemented on all significant assignments or assessments.
Expanded Practices
Encouraging Connections in the Classroom
Approaches for encouraging connections between students and the instructional team, and among students.
Creating a Belonging Story
Guidance on developing and adapting a brief exercise to help students understand that belonging concerns in college are normal, and not a signal that they do not belong or cannot succeed.
Ensuring Classroom Identity Safety
Approaches for creating classroom learning environments where students from diverse identities feel welcome, valued, respected, and as though they are recognized as having the potential to succeed; most effective when implemented continuously throughout the term.
Collaborative Practices
Syllabus Review
Approaches for communicating about academic standards and course expectations in a way that promotes student engagement, learning, and academic success; most effective when implemented during the first week of classes; revisit principles throughout the term.
Policy Review: Creating Student-Centered Course Policies
Guidance on delivering critical feedback in a way that engenders trust, increases academic engagement, and helps close academic outcome gaps; most effective when implemented on all significant assignments or assessments.