Driver 2 - Supportive Instructor & Course Interactions

Resources in this Change Idea

Evidence Base

An identity threatening incident is an incident that makes an individual feel unsafe as a result of their membership in a particular identity group or provokes social identity threat – the worry that one will be viewed in terms of their social group stereotypes and not as an individual. Experiencing identity threatening incidents are associated with lower levels of social belonging (Hurtado & Carter, 1997; Chang et al., 2011; Hurtado & Alvarado, 2015). When they occur, they are likely to negatively impact students’ psychological experiences of their learning environment and negatively impact their mental health, leading to decreased motivation and difficulty concentrating or learning (e.g., Logel et al., 2009).



College Transition Collaborative/Equity Accelerator


Instructors across the SEP network used evidence-based resources in the SEP Classroom Classroom Practices Library to develop their approach to sharing social belonging messages in the classroom. The resource guides in the Classroom Classroom Practices Library assisted instructors in communicating to students that academic challenges and concerns about belonging are normative, and do not signal a lack of fit or academic potential, and that belonging gets better over time with the use of agentic steps to build relationships and ties to the campus community. Click the link below to learn more about effective social belonging messages and review the evidence-based implementation guide in the Classroom Practices Guide.